OTA Upgrade Instructions

Change Log

Mowrator S1

New Features

Our latest version now offer the following features

  • Disable ultrasonic sensors
  • Disable collision sensors
  • Disable distance sensors
  • Remove reverse speed limit
  • Adjust ultrasonic sensor sensitivity

These features are also available for older version through OTA firmware upgrades.

Aug. 6th 2024

Upgrade Software Download

For Android Phones

1. Scan the QR code

2. Download "Mowrator S1" APP on Google Play Store


For Windows PCs

Download the upgrade software and libusb driver from our Google Drive link (Windows 10 and above only)


Upgrade Process

1. For Android: Connect the remote control to your device using an OTG cable.

2. For Windows: Connect the remote control to your device using a Type-A to Type-C cable. Install the libusb driver.

3.Follow the instructions in our video guides:

  • Update Guide For PC

  • Update Guide For Android

Troubleshooting for Android Users

If your Android phone doesn't recognize the device:

1. Use the official dual USB-C OTG cable provided

2. Ensure proper connection between the remote control and phone

3. When connected correctly, your phone will display a prompt

4. If you've lost the official cable, purchase a replacement from Amazon store

For any issues, please contact customer support with photos or videos of the problem.

  • OTA Update Troubleshooting