The mower is a beast of unit

The mower is a beast of unit

I have owned this mower for about 1 month now since it has arrived. The unboxing and assembly experience was simple and easy. Yes there was some scratched paint, but, Its a tool used to do yard maintenance so I am not going to ding points for cosmetics as this thing will be put through its paces. The first mow after charging battery was great for the flat area's of my yard. The cutting quality was good and no issues there. When I mowed the hill, that is where I had issues.
The first cut was a pain. I had to go up the hill either at a diagonal or at the slowest part and then mow down hill. It took almost all of my battery life to cut it the first time as the height was a bit tall and bushy. I mowed it several days later after fully charging the battery and the lawn looks so much better.
Outside of the initial cut and small firmware issues,the product is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. I upgraded the firmware which allowed me to unlock the rear speed and turn off the bag sensor and the mower is a whole different beast. Sometimes when mowing against the house or fence the bag would lift up causing the mower to stop. I disabled that and I am able to at least mow without stopping. The rear reverse speed being faster has helped with mowing the hill
I am able to go up and down the hill for the most with no issues outside of the ruts.
Overall, This mower is a beast of a unit. I plan on fabricating a small hitch assembly to pull behind an aeration trailer and maybe a small utility cart for yard work. I am very impressed with the promptness of Mowrator for putting out the firmware updates and addressing our concerns. only wished the AWD had more aggressive wheels for the slope terrain, but that is just a small gipe that can be fixed in the future.
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