Optimal Solutions for Sloped Yards and Heavy Grass

Optimal Solutions for Sloped Yards and Heavy Grass

I have nothing but good things to say about this product. I think this is the first purchase I’ve ever made where the product performs even better than expected. The build quality makes me think this thing could last forever!

I’m on a corner lot and my house is above the street, so it is sloped on both sides. I have St Augustine grass which grows tall and thick and has to be mowed every four or five days. We’ve had lots of rain recently, so I haven’t been able to mow this week. The grass had been growing for six days, so the Mowrator had its work cut out for it today. The all-wheel drive is sensational; the mower went up and down the slopes with ease.

Even though I had to go over the yard twice due to the taller and thicker-than-usual grass, I finished the job with 25% still remaining on the battery, and the grass looks great! With my old electric mower, I would have fully used two 40V 6AH batteries to get the job done. The Mowrator never broke a sweat. This thing is awesome.

I bought this mower because I’m getting older and my knees are deteriorating. It is painful for me to walk on my sloped yard, even when not pushing a mower. A few years ago, I bought a riding mower when I was having back problems but never felt comfortable with it on my sloped yard, so I gave it away and bought a lightweight electric push mower instead.

My knees are getting worse, so I started looking at robotic mowers. After lots of research, I couldn’t find one that I thought could handle my heavy grass and my sloped front and side yard. Then I found your Kickstarter campaign. The YouTube videos of people using the mower (especially by Tim the Lawn Mower Man) convinced me that the Mowrator is the solution to my problem.

I had to wait nearly three months for it, but it was well worth the wait and definitely worth the price. I highly recommend this product, especially to people like me who have mobility issues. I’ve never had so much fun mowing a lawn.

Weldon Chandler
25 Jul 2024
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